Thursday, August 3, 2017

Th2A subset drives allergic phenotype in humans

TH2 cells were initially identified based on their capacity to make IL-4 and drive B cell antibody class switch recombination to IgG1  and IgE. However, more recently it became clear that TH2 cells consist of several subtypes each with its own unique specialization in particular effector function such as IL-13 or IL-25 production that have nothing to do with antibody production. 

Similarly, canonical TH2 cells were thought to be responsible for allergy phenotype in humans (and mice as well). However, new study in Science Translational Medicine suggests new subset of TH2 cells, called TH2A subset, is mainly responsible for food allergy phenotype

The authors carried out magnetic enrichment of T cells harvested from allergic patients using HLA-II tetramers. Compared to non-allergic individuals, allergic patents showed expansion of a special population of TH2 cells expressing CD161 and CD49d

Interestingly, patients undergoing antigen-specific desensitization showed selective loss of these TH2A cells.

In summary, it is clear that different subset of TH2 cells exist, some naturally others only during pathology, to deal with various foreign antigenic entities.

posted by David Usharauli


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